Speakers ResusNL 2019

Freddy Lippert
Freddy is CEO of Emergency Medical Services in Copenhagen, Denmark. EMS Copenhagen serves 1.8 million inhabitants. The EMS system in Copenhagen is an integrated emergency care system with medical 112-calls, Emergency Medical Dispatch, ambulance services and out-of-hours services including referral of patients to emergency departments.
Freddy is an associate professor, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Mark Wilson
Professor Mark Wilson – Consultant Neurosurgeon, Pre-Hospital Care Specialist, Professor of Brain Injury, Imperial College London
Mark has a clinical and research interest into the hyper acute management of brain injury, both traumatic and hypoxic. He is co-founder of GoodSAM (www.goodsamapp.org), a platform used to alert doctors, nurses, paramedics and others trained in basic life support to emergencies close by. The platform is highly advanced incorporating “instant-On-Scene” Video and is now used globally.

Tom Evens
Tom is a consultant in Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care in London. With experience in Ambulance and HEMS services, he is interested in how best to equip clinicians to deliver their best possible performance in hostile prehospital environments – and how to get the best out of the people around them too. Previously a rowing coach, Tom now works with coaches and support staff from British Olympic sports and the Football Association to share ideas and concepts around high-performance mindset and culture.

Hans Huitink
Upon completion of his medical study at the VU University Medical Center in 1995 Johannes Huitink obtained a PhD in cardiology in the same year. He completed his anesthesiology training in 2001. In that year he became staff anesthesiologist at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine of the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, where he specialized in cancer anesthesia.
He is course director, instructor and guest faculty for national and international advanced airway management courses and teach the airway teacher courses. He is founder and director of the Airway Management Academy (www.airwaymanagementacademy.com), member of the International Advisory Board of Anaesthesia Journal. He is local chair for the second World Airway Management Meeting 2019 which will be organized in Amsterdam. You can follow his biased 24/7 opinions on twitter @AirwayMxAcademy

Rachel Choit
Rachel is an Intensivist at Liverpool Hospital in Sydney, Australia. She is interested in all things ICU but has a particular interest in ECMO, Cardiothoracic ICU and, Trauma. When she is not working you can find her travelling down a mountain at high speeds strapped to two planks. The irony of becoming a skiing fanatic after moving to Australia from Vancouver, Canada is not lost on her.

Iscander Maissan
- 1999-2006 Medicine Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
- 2000-2012 Paramedic as a side job
- 2007-2008 Resident Anesthesiology in the Emergency Department of Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
- 2008-2013 Trainee in Anesthesiology
- 2012-2019 HEMS physician
- 2015-2019 PhD student: Prehospital care in traumatic brain injury
- 2016-2019 Manager prehospital education program Lifeliner 2 Rotterdam

Christopher Hicks
Chris is an emergency physician and trauma team leader at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. His is interested in how teams work, or fail to work, during crisis events. To that end, he has studied all sorts of peculiar stuff, from mental practice to stress inoculation training to resuscitation ergonomics, in an effort to help make teams safer and more effective. Chris is an avid speaker and lecturer, staunch #FOAMed supporter, occasional runner, semi-retired pianist, and proud father of three lunatic boys.

Simon McCormick
Simon is an Emergency Physician at Rotherham Hospital in Yorkshire, England. Having taken time off to manage an episode of burnout he has restructured his work and now spends the majority of his time in Medical Education, teaching anyone willing to learn. Simon is interested in patient communication, team working, errors, and metacognition. Given his personal experience he also wants to improve staff wellness and believes both in system change and staff resilience coaching to achieve this. Simon has one wife, two kids, three pairs of running shoes and a garden that doesn’t get as much attention as it should.

Patricia Gerritsen
Patricia (@pchgerritsen) is an Anesthesiologist-Intensivist at the University Hospital Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. She is also a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) physician with the Lifeliner 2 in Rotterdam. She is passionate about both prehospital and in hospital POCUS and has totally retired her stethoscope. Other fields of interest include airway management, medical education and especially the use of social media in medical education, #FOAMed fan.

Larry Chu
Larry Chu, MD is a Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and Director of the Stanford Anesthesia Informatics and Media (AIM) Lab. He is an NIHfunded clinical researcher and is Executive Director of Stanford Medicine X, the world’s mostdiscussed academic program on emerging technology and medicine. He also directs Medicine X | ED, a conference exploring the future of patientcentered medical education. He has written eight books, over 50 papers and over 50 book chapters in academic anesthesiology and digital health. He is a member of the editorial advisory board for The BMJ, one of the most influential general medical journals in the world.

Hans van der Hoeven
Hans van der Hoeven studied medicine at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and specialised as an internist at the Red Cross hospital in The Hague and the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). He earned a Ph. D with the thesis ‘The prognosis in patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest’. After a couple of years as head of the internal intensive care department at the LUMC, he was employed from 1998-2003 at the Jeroen Bosch hospital in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. In 2003 he became professor and head of the intensive care department at Radboudumc. Besides his many clinical tasks, he is also an ambassador of the patient security program. His research is directed towards immune paralysis in the intensive care, difficult weaning from mechanical ventilation and cerebral blood flow. He is the author of more than 250 peer reviewed articles, a supervisor of many doctoral theses, and a frequently asked speaker on national and international conferences.

Mark van den Boogaard
Mark van den Boogaard is a senior researcher at the department of Intensive Care Medicine of the Radboudumc. He is leader of the research line: “ICU delirium ” with a focus on prediction and prevention. He performed several large scale multicenter and multinational studies on prediction and prevention of ICU delirium. Furthermore, he is project leader of the MONITOR-IC, a long-term follow-up program measuring quality of life till 5y after ICU admission, in order to get more insight in the consequences of critical illness on the long-term.

Monika Kerckhoffs
Monika is an intensive care physician in Utrecht (UMCU). She combines the care for ICU patients with teaching residents, quality improvement projects and research. She is interested in the long-term outcome of individual ICU patients. This includes both predicting long-term outcome, as well as understanding the impact of the mental, physical and cognitive sequelae of an ICU treatment. Her goal is to integrate this knowledge in the decision-making process of continuing versus limiting ICU treatment.
Lennie Derde
Lennie is an internist and ID consultant by background, and has worked as an ICU consultant in the UMC Utrecht since 2013, after completing her training in the same hospital. She obtained her PhD degree in 2013 with a doctoral thesis on controlling antibiotic resistance in the ICU. For her thesis, she conducted a European multi-center cluster-randomized trial in 13 European ICUs. Her main research interests are clinical trials of infections in the ICU, outbreak research and pandemics, with an interest in new trial designs (adaptive platform trials). She is the European coordinating investigator in an international innovative trial studying the best treatment for Community Acquired Pneumonia in ICU patients (REMAP-CAP) in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The design of the study will allow interventional studies to be undertaken in critically ill patients during epidemics / pandemics.
Lennie is a member of the Dutch multi-disciplinary committee developing national sepsis guidelines; member of the advisory board of the REACT study and a section editor of the Journal of Critical Care. She is a member of the national Dutch intensivists (NVIC) taskforce in infectious diseases, and co-organizes the ESICM NEXT-fellowship “Infections in ICU: Modern Management” in Utrecht yearly.
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